Hello! I’m the new wife….

I decided to start this blog to let other “new” wives know that they are not alone, this life can be hard and very frustrating. There will be times that you think about walking away, times you want to just run away. But, I promise in the long run fighting for the life you want is so worth it. And you can fight for it, you can stand up to the bullshit and not let yourself get run over.

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The Narcissistic Mother!

We dealt with the narcissistic ex-wife but it was much different than what the kids were going through. We saw some of it and the oldest told us some of it but, we didn’t know the full extent of it until the middle kid got out of the narcissist’s house. And it broke my heart to hear the things this child had to endure. I had some experience with the way she talked about the kids when the oldest lived with us but, didn’t fully know how she talked TO the kids. 

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I’m not embarrassed, nor am I going to shut-up!

Man, I need to write a book! You can’t make this shit up….it’s actually my life! I got a call this past Thursday from an old friend and as soon as I answered, they were laughing. I knew it was going to be something that I was not expecting. And holy shit balls was I not expecting this one….to say that this one creeped me out, is an understatement. I mean, my husband said “You can’t be serious. That was like 15 yrs ago..Why? Just WHY!” 

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Court Papers…They don’t lie!

We have a three “slide under the bed” plastic boxes full of court and child support documents! From the restraining orders that started in 2003 to the most current bullshit that started in 2021. We also have the court paper work from the biological father of the oldest child of the ex-wife because him and my husband were both court ordered to pay child support for this child. 

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Court Dates….over and over!

The amount of court dates, hearings and mediations we have been too….is ridiculous! Just to get the divorce down took over a year. In that year we also got severed with three different restraining orders. Even though all of them were dismissed, we still had court dates for all three, one of them we had like four court dates.

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Still here…Life is busy!

I’m still here and I’m working on getting a new Blog Out as soon as I can. Not only have the Holidays left us busy but, this time of year is busy for me. I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off every year from October till mid December! And we have more than just the regular Holiday mess going on. 

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The Holidays….Not always fun.

Oh the Holidays….they aren’t always the best time of year, especially if you are dealing with a narcissistic ex-wife. If you get lucky with the ex-wife being normal, you’ll have a nice drama free holiday season. And I am jealous of you! HaHaHa! No, seriously..deep down I might even dislike you a little if you have an easy going holiday season with the ex-wife. Nothing personal!

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How did it happen?

According to the State of Florida State statutes the the ex wife should not have been able to obtain a birth certificate for her daughter listing my husband as the child’s father without a Judge signed court order. 

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I’ll continue to “talk shit” publicly….

We don’t live in our little hometown anymore, we moved 2500 miles away 15 years ago and don’t regret doing so! But, we still have close friends living in that not so little anymore town. And everyone there still likes to spread the gossip like they are in high school! 

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Dad’s more fun!

I love my husband and I love that he loves to have fun with the kids but, sometimes I could whack him with a smile! He was always looking for ways to have fun with the kids or something new to try. He didn’t like sitting at the house on the weekend with them, he wanted to be out doing things with them. 

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The cruel world of the ex!

This one is going to go over like a sack of rocks thrown over a bridge….But, I’m gonna say it all anyways! The things the ex-wife has said to my husband, myself and her kids are absolutely fucking sickening! I have literally been left in tears after reading the emails she has sent her own daughter. 

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The Honeymoon!

Now, I’m going way to back 2005 but, I’ll never forget this week of our lives. We didn’t have a big wedding by any means, we got married in my mom’s little garden. Just us, my parents, grandmother and a few very close friends. We were actually late to our own wedding..together! HaHa. Our oldest was a little over a year old and she was napping so, we didn’t want to wake her. 

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Just when you think it’s quiet!

As soon as it all calms down and you start feeling like it’s going to be a drama free month….the other shoe hits the floor. I swear the ex-wife waited until she knew we had gone back to our “normal” lives to make another scene about something. It was always about something stupid or something so small the real world the rest of us lived in no one even noticed the “problem” but, she sure did. And she’d go on to make it into a mountain! 

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Keeping my cool..Mostly!

Full honesty..I didn’t always keep my cool. I did work real hard to keep it out of the eyes/ears of the kids but, my poor husband definitely got a front row seat. I started a journal after about a year of dealing with bullshit, hoping that it would help get everything out instead of venting it all to my husband. It helped but it wasn’t enough because shit was happening 24 hrs a day. We literally never got a quiet moment for the first four/five years we were together. 

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Why I’m talking now….

I’ve been asked why I am just now talking about all of this publicly, why have I not said anything in the past? Well, we have been screaming about all this for years in the courts and with Child Support Enforcement, I mean since 2006! We never went “public” with it because the kids were all underage and still living with the ex wife. And we saw them get the backlash of everything we did or didn’t do. I mean, my husband got an ear full if I smiled at her wrong..

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We want Answers!

Here’s the thing…Child Support and the courts will do everything they can to wear you done until you just give up and go away. In reality thats all they want, make your payments and go away. They don’t care that the ex doesn’t allow you to have contact with the kids as long as they are getting their money. PERIOD! The state of Florida gives no shits about the kids! Do some research and you’ll see it’s true. 

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Oh the lies that fly!

Be ready to hear things about yourself that you never thought you would, things that you could write a book about and call it whatever you want because the lies were said but no one would believe them when you repeat them! Ask my family and friends…they still don’t believe most of the shit that has been said about me and my husband. Even though they have read it in the ex’s own words! 

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Telling the kids about Baby Sister!

When we found out I was pregnant, I was so excited and nervous. I was 20, didn’t really want kids of my own at the time, I mean I was still out having a good time every weekend. The thought of having a child just wasn’t something I was ready for. I let it settle in for a couple weeks before I was ready to talk about it and tell my family. 

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Gonna Keep Talking!

Surprise! The supposed “Cease and Desist” didn’t scare me like the ex wife had hoped! I know because I’ve been quiet for a while but, in reality it’s my busy business season with orders and Markets. So, I haven’t had time to sit down and get a blog out. I. Am. Going. To. Make. Time. Today! 

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I’m not gonna shut-up!

It’s been a long couple of weeks. Life has been busy getting our kids ready for the new school year (one going into 11th and one in her 2nd yr of college), my husband has been traveling for work, new court shit and the worst of all, we lost our Lucy Lou. She was our 12 year old Shar Pei. She was my baby, our youngest daughter’s best friend and the oldest daughter’s snuggle buddy. Lucy and the hubby tried to play off like they didn’t love each other but….they weren’t good at it. Hubby would grab an extra steak to put on the grill for Lucy or grab her treats anytime he saw wheat-free ones. He was a sucker for her! 

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The Announcement!

The day we got the news that we would soon have a new grand baby joining the family, was one of the best days ever! And we definitely weren’t expecting it! My (step) daughter had only graduated with her nursing degree a couple years before and was working during, ya know the “C” word of 2020. 

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Double Dipping in Child Support!

If you ask Child Support they will say that it is absolutely not possible for a woman/mother to double dip in the support system. However, I have proof that’s not true at all. If we hadn’t done a request for all the records from Child Support this year, we wouldn’t have proof that they admitted to this happening. 

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Let’s talk Boundaries!

Boundaries are needed in a lot of divorces/separations but, it’s extremely important to do so when either party moves on and gets into a new relationship! Whatever those boundaries are, understand that they will change and they will evolve with the situation. I suggest you have a conversation with your husband/boyfriend on what kind of boundaries you want to put into place before you start seeing issues with the ex. 

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The day I knew it would never stop!

Our first daughter was born two months early. I went in for a usual baby appointment and a heart beat could not be found and her movements were very weak. I was on the monitors in my doctors office for another 30 mins before I was sent right over to labor and delivery to be induced. I was not ready. We didn’t even have her bassinet put together or my hospital bags packed. It was a hot mess of manic panic for me. Thank God for my soon to be husband (at the time) because I couldn’t even think straight. 

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How I meet him!

Now days we hear stories about  meeting on dating apps or friends setting friends up. High School sweethearts and life long friends falling in love. Our story is nothing like that, it’s the complete opposite and a little redneck-y! Ha Ha Ha

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Child Support by Fraud

Todays blog is going to be about mediation with DOR and CSE. Now, Child Support Enforcement will tell you that the mediators used for mediation are all through a “third party”. I never would’ve guessed that! The way they automatically go on the side of CSE and the way they treat the NCP (My husband) in the cases just as CSE does, like shit, I definitely thought they worked directly for CSE!

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A Fun Story!

I meet my husband in 2003, we dated for a couple months before I officially meet the kids. I was excited and nervous but, knew I was going to make this a fun meeting. We had planned it for a weekend he had the kids and I immediately went to Walmart to make sure the summer day didn’t get to hot! I got the biggest water guns I could find! I will never forget the look on their faces when I brought them out of my truck, they were surprised and I don’t think they believed me at first when I told them it was “Game time”. I even had water guns for my husband and I. No way was I going to let the three kids have fun without us. 

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Birth Certificate Saga!

Today we are going to dive a little deeper into the fraudulent birth certificate my husband’s ex wife obtained and used to get a child support case against my husband for a child that does not biologically belong to him.In the state of Florida you can not change a birth certificate in anyway without a judge signed court order. Adoption can not happen without consent from both biological parents and it also has to be a court order signed by a judge. If you do not have a court order signed by a judge, you can not legally change anything on a birth certificate and if you do so, it becomes a fraudulent birth certificate. Using that fraudulent birth certificate after that for Anything it then becomes fraud. There are Florida State Statutes on this. 

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The Run Down….

This will be a long one but, stick with me. It’s worth the read, it’s all backed by facts, proof and some of the proof comes from two State of Florida agencies themselves!! The state of Florida legal system and child support enforcement system is a joke! We have been fighting it since 2006. During my husband’s divorce his step-daughter was listed as a child of the marriage, she was not. In the final order she was listed as a child receiving child support, all proven by child support themselves.

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