Hello! I’m the new wife….

Published on 9 July 2024 at 15:47

Hey Y’all!

I decided to start this blog to let other “new” wives know that they are not alone, this life can be hard and very frustrating. There will be times that you think about walking away, times you want to just run away. But, I promise in the long run fighting for the life you want is so worth it. And you can fight for it, you can stand up to the bullshit and not let yourself get run over.

Our situation is one in a million. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. And there are still things that happened that I still can’t believe did. Some of the shit was defining for me as a mom, wife and step-mom. Some of it made me reevaluate why I was staying in the marriage and having to deal with the bullshit for years to come. But, I tell you what..dealing with it and learning to ignore all the bullshit was worth it. I have such an amazing husband, wonderful kids and the cutest grandkids on the planet!

Would I do some things differently, absolutely. Would I have pushed a little harder when it came to all the courts dates for years, I fucking wish we had. But, unfortunately the kids got a lot of the backlash and we refused to make that worse on them if we could help it. The courts can be draining, disappointing and make you feel two inches tall. And it gets hard not to feel beat down and give up. Don’t give up! It’s been 21 years and we are still fighting. The state of Florida is all about the mothers, gives them everything they want and I am not going anywhere till we get the answers we deserve.

I meet my husband in 2003. Him and the ex had been separated, not legally divorced, for about two years. She had actually already moved on and was living with her now husband. We had been dating for about 5 months when she finally brought him a set of divorce papers SHE approved of. That would be the first set of five….yep, you read that right, FIVE sets of divorce papers. He had signed all five sets before she ripped them up and threw them in his face. The divorce was FINALLY finalized in 2005. You can see where this is going and how crazy things went.

From false restraining orders for years to fraudulent birth certificates used to obtain child support….this life has been a roller coaster of emotions and bullshit.

So, buckle up for 20 years of love, kids, courts and chaos!

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