A Fun Story!

Published on 15 July 2024 at 14:50

I meet my husband in 2003, we dated for a couple months before I officially meet the kids. I was excited and nervous but, knew I was going to make this a fun meeting. We had planned it for a weekend he had the kids and I immediately went to Walmart to make sure the summer day didn’t get to hot! I got the biggest water guns I could find! I will never forget the look on their faces when I brought them out of my truck, they were surprised and I don’t think they believed me at first when I told them it was “Game time”. I even had water guns for my husband and I. No way was I going to let the three kids have fun without us. 


We played for a few hours and all of us were soaked by the time we needed a break. We ordered pizza, talked about who won the water gun fight (Kids decided they whooped us) and made plans to do it again as soon as we could. And we did a few weekends later, I meet them at a park and we again had the best time play water gun fights, girls against boys this time. Yes, the girls won! 


That first meeting, I seriously fell in love with the kids! They were so much fun and jumped right in to having fun with me. I was so Thankful it went as well as it did. I couldn’t wait to see what other adventures we could have. We quickly made plans to go to the beach one weekend and made sure to make a stop at our favorite spot on the way home, Hooters! LOL 


Celebration Station was soon our favorite spot to take the kids. Arcade games, bumper boats and putt putt golf course wore the kids out every time. It was were my parents meet the kids for the first time. And I have to say, I am positive they had just as much fun as the kids did. I love looking back at those pictures. My dad in the “Jail” behind bars with the youngest, my mom playing putt putt with the middle and oldest. Even my brother got in on the fun with the kids in the bumper boats! I think they kids asked to go almost every weekend after that! 


I miss those days! Wholeheartedly miss those days! After our first daughter was born and my husband told the ex wife he was definitely not going to get back with her, she started keeping the kids from him. We missed out on a lot with the kids! We’ll get into all the court dates and fighting all of that later!

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