The day I knew it would never stop!

Published on 27 July 2024 at 23:38

Our first daughter was born two months early. I went in for a usual baby appointment and a heart beat could not be found and her movements were very weak. I was on the monitors in my doctors office for another 30 mins before I was sent right over to labor and delivery to be induced. I was not ready. We didn’t even have her bassinet put together or my hospital bags packed. It was a hot mess of manic panic for me. Thank God for my soon to be husband (at the time) because I couldn’t even think straight. 


We had to go home to get a bag thrown together as best I could when I thought I had another two months before this happened and I was not prepared! We also had to get the car seat in the truck, that was not going to be easy seeing as we had a big lift and tires on that damn thing. Thank God we could let air out of the airbags otherwise I wouldn’t have even been able to get in….I’m 5’1 on a good day with a pregnant belly! 


In my panic I told my husband to text his kids and let them know their little sister was on the way early and we would keep them updated. His step-daughter (she was the oldest) had a cell phone at the time and that’s who he text, not the ex wife. There was no reason she needed to be contacted, it had nothing to do with her. But, I felt the kids had the right to know considering this was their little sister and we may miss the weekend with them. 


We finally get things packed and head to the hospital as fast as we can, we get checked in and get into a room. I get hooked up to all the machines and they start all the meds to get this baby out. The nurses and doctors did everything they could to get her out as soon as they could besides cutting her out. After some medications, her heart beat got better and her movements started to get close to normal. But, the doctors still felt like something was wrong and she was going to be born that day. 


After about two hours of being in the hospital, I was finally able to get some sleep but, it didn’t last long. My husband’s phone would not stop blowing up! It was insane. The calls and text were nonstop for over an hour before he finally answered. And it was no surprise to me who it was…the ex wife. She wouldn’t stop. She was acting beyond ridiculous! Even the nurses heard the insane bullshit. One of them asked “Is there a name I need to put at the front desk as a “NO” to come visit?” I immediately said yes and gave her the ex wife’s name and the fake name we knew she used. She also made a note that I was to be called and asked before ANYONE was able to come up to our room. 


“Are you sure it’s over? Are you seriously not going to make this work with us?”….”Why are you doing this to me? How can you do this to our kids?”….”How can you do this?’….Only a few of the insane things the ex wife was screaming at my husband on the phone while I was laying in a hospital bed in labor with our first daughter. 


This went on for about two hours before my husband just turned his phone. He had to send out a text to his family and work letting them know to call/text my phone for the rest of the day. They had been separated for almost two years when this all went down. And she was living with another man, had been for a while and she still acted like this. The kids told us later that she had started throwing things around the house she was so pissed that my husband hadn’t been answering her. 


Our daughter was born 27 hours after they induced me and I only got to hold her once before I was woken up in the middle of the night by a nurse demanding I sign papers allowing them to take her to NICU immediately. It was all a blur to me, Thankfully my husband was awake enough to know what was going on. She spent the next three months in NICU and I became a zombie pretty quickly. 


During all of this stress and anxiety of having a new born that was two months early in the NICU, the ex wife had kept up with her bullshit for at least a week. Once she realized my husband wasn't going to play in her games, she stopped. Kinda! She still had her moments of failure throughout the next three months or so. I was only able to stay at the hospital in a “Parents” room for a few days. After that I was traveling between the hospital and home for the rest of the time. During this time, we saw the kids very little. One reason was due to having to travel and be at the hospital so much. Reason two was because the ex wife was pissed that my husband wasn’t going back to her or playing her games. 


While our daughter was in NICU the kids could not go see her, unfortunately. But, the hospital only allowed four people on the “list” that was able to go into NICU. So, of course my husband and I were listed and then both of my parents. My dad was a sheriffs officer at the time and worked in the area of the hospital, so he could get to the hospital the quickest if something happened or needed to be signed. 


The ex wife would come out with some bullshit every once in a while and try to start shit. She started telling the kids now that our daughter was born, their dad wouldn’t want anything to do with them. That was the farthest thing from the truth but I be damned if she didn’t try her hardest to turn it into truth. She started keeping the kids from my husband at this point. Then she started filing false restraining orders to keep him away. This is when all the real bullshit started! 


I don't think she could handle the fact that my husband had moved on and was happy. That he wasn’t going to play her games and fall for her bullshit like he had in the past. I will never understand this, she was living with another man, she had cheated and wanted the separation just as much as he did. I can only guess  it’s because I am the first woman he got “serious” with, meaning I was not a fly by date. I stuck around, I meet the kids, I moved in and then got pregnant. 


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