How I meet him!

Published on 23 July 2024 at 00:11

Now days we hear stories about  meeting on dating apps or friends setting friends up. High School sweethearts and life long friends falling in love. Our story is nothing like that, it’s the complete opposite and a little redneck-y! Ha Ha Ha


At the time I was seeing a guy that I knew wasn’t going to be long term, it was just a fun fling thing. I had just gotten out of a six year relationship and practically left him at the altar after finding out he had been cheating on me, lying to me and I knew I just couldn’t do it anymore. 


So, this fling guy asked me to go out with him to a country bar one night. I had been at this bar many, many times before. So much so that I no longer stood in line to get in or paid to get in. I knew the owner and all the bouncers. It was like my second home for a long time. As a 19/20 yr old single lady I felt safe there, I was safe there and knew that I could count on people to keep it that way. I learned to line dance there and it kept me in shape considering I sat at a desk for 12 hrs a day. I was literally there almost every weekend. 


I had just walked off the back room dance floor for a break and this guy watches every step I make to get back to the group of people I was there with. Thirty seconds later he comes walking over and says Hi to the fling guy. Fling guy introduces him to me and me to him. And the smile this man gave me..good lord! I sat for another minute then headed back to the dance floor. I was out there for three songs but, as soon as a slow song came on, I was done. I was not about to let fling guy pull me into that. 


I am sitting on a bar stool people watching when this smiley man walked over and started talking to me. The first two minutes of this conversation were “normal”, like were was I from, how long have I known fling guy and then….It went in a direction I did not see coming! This smiley man looked me right in my eyes, smiled like the Cheshire Cat and asked me, word for word, “Why are you with a guy like him, when you could be with a guy liked me?”. 


My immediate thought was, this smiley man is cocky! He was supposedly buddies with fling guy but I’m starting to think that’s absolutely not true. I smile at him, I’m really not sure what to say at this point. He’s just looking at me like he’s ready to run away together. I end up giggling and just saying “It’s not anything serious, that’s for sure!” 


We end up dancing a few songs, he’s definitely cocky but in a sweet way. I can’t explain it. And his smile…Jesus, even after 21 years his smile still gets me! We didn’t have a lot of little talk that night, we danced and he made me laugh. Apparently, that’s all it took for me to fall head over heels for this cocky smiley man!


I had never seen this cocky man at this bar before but, I had seen one of his friends there a couple times. And the following weekend this friend was there but cocky man wasn’t. I took that as an opportunity to ask his friend some questions about him, find out all the information this friend was willing to give me. He wasn’t willing to give me much information at all. He kept telling me that I didn’t want o go down that road, cocky man had a soon to be ex wife and she was a fucking whack job. He said that over and over. He was literally refusing to give me the information I was looking for but, I wasn’t about to give up. I went to the bathroom, fixed my twins in the best up right position and put on my southern charm. It was game time! And I won!


Once I had the information that I needed, I left the bar, changed in my car and was on my way. The closer I got to his house, the more I thought I was probably crazy as hell. But, I wasn’t about to turn around and go home. 


YEP! I AM that Crazy woman who showed up at this this mans house. However insane that sounds or is….It worked! We’ve been together for 21 years and going strong! 

P.S This was back in 2003 when we still thought good was in everyone! 


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