Double Dipping in Child Support!

Published on 11 August 2024 at 22:07

If you ask Child Support they will say that it is absolutely not possible for a woman/mother to double dip in the support system. However, I have proof that’s not true at all. If we hadn’t done a request for all the records from Child Support this year, we wouldn’t have proof that they admitted to this happening. 


While my husband was making child support payments for his Step-daughter, her biological father (T) was also making payments because of a court order from 1993. In this order T was proven by DNA to be her biological father. Prior to the October 24, 2011 order removing this child from child support, my husband had paid a total of $15,755.00 in support for this child. 


Child support looked into this situation on September 28, 2006. Stating “The child appears on both cases…Per other case support was established for “Bio fathers name” court order. Check of records shows that (my husband) of this case is listed on the birth record. Fwded cases to RSS to follow up and see if the OVE Record can be changed/corrected”. Child support records also list this child as a DEPENDENT in this case of child support against my husband. 


We filed so many motions with the court to have this child removed from my husband’s child support order, all of which were denied until the child was 19 and aged out. Further proving that my husband was making child support payments for this child. If you ask Child Support Enforcement they will swear that my husband was not paying child support for this child. But, when the court removed this child from my husband’s child support order, the monthly payments went down. And the new order then only showed two children listed in the support order. 


Now, the ex wife, child support and her lawyer continue to swear up and down that she wasn’t getting child support for this child. However, we have proof from child support, in their own system notes and the ex wife herself in her own words wrote a letter and it’s notarized for the courts.

How does this happen you ask. No one will answer that. I say “will answer” because we know they knew this was happening yet they acted as if it wasn’t. And I feel that if they do admit they knew and take any kind of responsibility for it, they are also admitting to committing embezzlement. On top of that they would be admitting to helping her commit fraud, allowing her do it! 


We contacted the Governors office at the beginning of the year and within a couple of days an investigator with Child Support Enforcement contacted us. He stated that “The system should have caught this.” Obviously it didn’t catch it. I asked how the system would have caught it, what did they run in their system to check and he said it was just the child’s name. The system was set up to automatically catch the child’s name if it was listed in any other child support order. In this case, the child’s name had illegal been changed and the system would have never caught it. As we spoke with the investigator we asked what else could have been searched in the system to see if this child was listed in another other order. We were told nothing, it was only the name that would have done it. 


I explained to the investigator that this child’s name had been changed from the first order in 1993 and running her name from 1993 would not have caught her now with a different last name. I asked why the child’s social security number wasn’t ran in the system? I wanted to know why just a name was the only thing to be flagged in the system when that can easily be changed. It just makes sense to me to run a social security number and/or date of birth. 

Now, this is where fraud and possibly embezzlement comes into play. Not only by the ex wife but also Child Support Enforcement. I am even questioning Vital Statistics, I mean they let her obtain an fraudulent birth certificate for this child. And with that fraudulent birth certificate the ex wife obtained another child support order for this child, by a man that is Not her biological father. Two men paying for one child, seems like fraud and embezzlement to me!

The ex wife and her lawyer in a letter dated October 4, 2011 entered into the court stated that her daughter was using my husband’s “Surname without legal authority”. Further proving the ex wife obtained a fraudulent birth certificate for this child knowing my husband was not her biological father and she still received child support for this child from him.

Has a Judge or the Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement held this woman accountable, absolutely not. Do they act like it’s even fraud in their eyes, nope! Do that state statutes and laws state it is in fact fraud, Yes! Even the investigator for Child Support and the vital statistics office both stated it is fraud! Now, why isn’t anyone except us doing anything about it. Because the state of FL gets a piece of the child support payments. The Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement gets a piece of the child support payments. Of course neither of them are going to acknowledge this as fraud and that they helped her do it because then that will hold them responsible sitting right next to her!


I know we are not the only people that have had to deal with child support enforcement like this. I know there are other fathers out there that have been screwed over by the mother and child support enforcement enabled her to do it. 



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