Gonna Keep Talking!

Published on 5 September 2024 at 13:03

Surprise! The supposed “Cease and Desist” didn’t scare me like the ex wife had hoped! I know because I’ve been quiet for a while but, in reality it’s my busy business season with orders and Markets. So, I haven’t had time to sit down and get a blog out. I. Am. Going. To. Make. Time. Today! 


Slander and Defamation runs rampantly out of the ex wives mouth. She loves to play victim and try to ruin my husband’s reputation. However, all the shit she’s said has never been proven in any way. No police reports, the kid she says talks about a supposed “beating” has said many times, to many people that this never happened. I have asked for proof of these “beatings”, pictures, witnesses or the kids backing her bullshit. None of that has ever been presented to me. I even asked the ex’s “dad” about this and he said he never saw it, saw any bruises or anything on her…even though she swore to me this man had seen it all. 


Now, the ex has been literally all over Beyoncés internet spewing her slander on my husband and I for years. I can’t put everything she has spewed in this blog, it’s way too much! The ridiculousness never ceases to amaze me. And her imagination must never stop. Some of the things that she has claimed to have happened are things she’s done herself. Like the cheating she claims my husband did for years. 


First and foremost, my husband has never put his hands on her or any woman for that matter. He doesn’t even raise his voice at me. Secondly, there is not a child out in the world that belongs to him that he doesn’t know about. I’d Love to talk to whoever has told her that, I’ve asked for proof and again it has never been given to me..or anyone! Thirdly, he didn’t sign his rights over to two of his kids. I HAVE the proof, all the court records, ALL OF THEM! The mother and grandmother illegally put the grandmother on the children’s birth certificates. Looks like they got help from the ex wife on how to illegally sign birth certificates and court documents. 


Now, she’s claimed my husband signed her daughter’s birth certificate in front of a notary, however no proof of this has ever been submitted to the courts or us. And we have asked for it! Not only have we never seen this supposed signature, the birth certificates we have there is no signature, my husband’s name was TYPED in. I also have a witness that watched her sign my husband’s name in her living room in Tampa to this kids birth certificate thinking she could then just file it and it would be legal. It’s not legal by the way! 


The cheating has always been something she screams about, second to the supposed “beatings”. While saying he cheated on her for years, she then said he was cheating on me with her. Which means she cheated on her husband but, she swears up and down she would never do that..it makes sense, right?! 


As I’ve said before, her lies are non-stop narcissistic bullshit! At one point I thought she might have grownup and moved on but, here we are 20 years later and I am still getting messages about the shit she is spewing. 


In all reality, she shouldn’t have spent the last 20 years trying to make me out to be the bad guy. I had forgotten about most of this bullshit, I had moved on with my amazing husband and our kids. But, she just couldn’t let it go, couldn’t move on like she swears she did years ago. So, here I am speaking the TRUTH! Here I am screaming about the fraud until we get answers and justice! Here I am showing what real slander and defamation looks like! 


Below are comments from the ex wife that she has left all over a page on Facebook. That page has since been deleted, however screenshots are forever. The slander and defamation of my husband and I runs deep all over this page. And even the one she made herself about me, also deleted now. The obsession has never stopped, the jealousy I can assume consumes her daily and the hatred for us is a sickness! 


February 2, 2011

“i was getting beat on evertime i turned around and my children wittnessed it several times..he tells the new wife its alie but she wittnessed him grabbing me up by my throat when i found them together one nite” at 12:20pm ·an


February 17, 2011

“For one I owe no explanation to any one two my ex was not paying for my oldest she was listed in the divorce to protect her until she was of age to knw the truth my ex wanted to be on her bc cause that is all she has ever known as a father” 5 shots o' rum ago** ~Comment is now gone~


Feb 11, 2011

“yep adw ur rite my ex signed a piece of paper right infront of a notary....sure did... he just isnt telling the truth and never has.. but as far as for the child support he does not pay on my oldest” 42 shots o' rum ago

“WTF y am i explainig my self i knw the truth and deep down inside my ex knws the truth to he is just a pathological liar.. gve me a fn break..reality when it hits i hope it slapps u in the face......no ****** isnt his but what about the 2 in ga tht he let there grandmother raise what about his daughter tht lives in plantcity what about the baby tht who knws if its his or not tht he supposively had with the sales mans daughter where he use to wrk...its sad when ur lil grl well she not so lil shes a young women sits down and says do u remember when #### was beating the crap out of u kicking u and punching u and me siss and bub jumped on him to get him off of u.” 27 shots o' rum ago ·

“if i would have knw tht ass hole was going to do this to me and lie thru his teeth i would have searched for her father and had him in her life but i was told tht wasnt gonna fn happen and tht her last name is ..... and thts it she knws her last name as tht and thts the way its going to be im her father....” 23 shots o' rum ago

“. that wld be fve i knw of oh and dnt forget the sales mans daughters baby......=)” 18 shots o' rum agO

“Nothing will happen to him. It was visible when my ex beat the shit out of me he drug me up stairs tht had tiles on thm some of thm were broke up my right fore arm was cut open pretty good from it I had hardly a neck from him beating the shit out of me he drug me back in the house where he strted pounding on me and sittin on my head w a pillow the only thing tht saved him from doin any thing els the cops came he got up and ran in the bed room like a lil bitch and acted like he was sleepn it was all visible a the cop witnessed him tryn to smother me thru the window nothin happened to him..... The cop just let me get my stuff so I cld get out of there” 19 minutes ago ·


April 29, 2011

“Keep fuckin with me and I'm gonna fuck ur whole world up... Just to prove to u bitch yeah ur ole man did cheat on you with me ha bitch he had to have it just more time and begged like a lil bitch to get btw ur suburban the old one u had when u first got with him had an awesome front seat bitch lmfao!” 2 minutes ago ·

“And u would wonder why I was always smiling when u wld come to my house and I would have a shit eatin grin on my face ahahaha that's y bitch”  29 seconds ago ·


May 19, 2011

“my ex has a total of 4 seperate families oh wait lets not for get the sales mans daughter at benton express... oh wait tht one prob isnt his either so does tht make 5 seperate fams... and he doesnt take care of any of them except the 2 he lives with wow how history just repeats its self over and over...” 18 minutes ago 


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