Man, I need to write a book! You can’t make this shit up….it’s actually my life! I got a call this past Thursday from an old friend and as soon as I answered, they were laughing. I knew it was going to be something that I was not expecting. And holy shit balls was I not expecting this one….to say that this one creeped me out, is an understatement. I mean, my husband said “You can’t be serious. That was like 15 yrs ago..Why? Just WHY!”
Many moons ago I worked for our local sheriff’s office, I was there for 10 years and the best day on duty was the day I quit! I worked in the communications center and DO NOT MISS IT! Not even a little bit. My over all health was 100% better within six months of leaving that place I called hell for years. While there, after I meet and married my husband, I had four open Internal Affair (IA) investigations opened. My favorite was the one that was opened because the ex-wife called and said that I was hiding out her run away daughter.
My lieutenant at the time called me into his office and asked me if I was helping a child hide from their mother. I was very confused and had not a damn clue what he was talking about. Then he told me about the phone call he had gotten from IA. Supposedly, I was hiding out the ex-wife’s daughter and I was refusing to tell her where she was. First off, I didn’t even know the kid had ran away, I wasn't surprised she did that a lot but, the ex-wife had refused visitation for months at this point so, my husband and I had no clue what was going on. I told my LT that I had no clue this kid had even ran away, much less was I hiding her!
Next, I supposedly had deputies following the ex-wife waiting to pull her over to hide drugs in her car and then arrest her. There was one more but, I honestly don’t remember what it was. I’m positive it was ridiculous though! The last one was from 2009, it started without the ex-wife but….she involved herself. She told IA that my husband was beating me, raping me and I would do anything he said because I was scared of him. Gotta be fucking kidding me! I flat out told IA that she was sending them on a good ‘ol goose chase and that I was going to enjoy watching them chase their tails. And I did just that!
The case was closed, no charges filed and I quit shortly after that! Well, the ex-wife has a copy of my IA file and has posted it PRIVATELY on her TikTok and Facebook. PRIVATELY!! Not publicly were it would be seen it and send it to me, which has happened for years now. This file was set on FIRE in 2016. TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN!! So, she has been holding on to this for YEARS! Supposedly, this was to embarrass me and make me shut-up. The obsession to hold onto a file that has Nothing to do with you for like 14 years! Who the Fuck does that?! I threw that file out in 2010 and it was MY file.
I’ve got so much more in my arsenal that I could post that would absolutely make her lose her shit. But, I haven’t. I have kept everything that I have posted relevant to the court dates we are currently dealing with. I have so much more then she thinks I do. It’s not all court papers, it’s more than that and it’s actually embarrassing, as a mother! I would absolutely be embarrassed to leave my house if the things I have about her ever got posted about myself. As a mother, I would run away, hide and I would pray that one day my kids would forgive me! I would be too embarrassed to even reach out to them to ask for forgiveness. It’s bad, so bad! It’s ten times worse than the e-mails I have already shared on this blog!
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