The Announcement!

Published on 14 August 2024 at 09:47

The day we got the news that we would soon have a new grand baby joining the family, was one of the best days ever! And we definitely weren’t expecting it! My (step) daughter had only graduated with her nursing degree a couple years before and was working during, ya know the “C” word of 2020. 


She called me on FaceTime because she wanted to show me her favorite picture from the photo shoot her and her now husband had just done. I was excited to see them, she had sent some to her dad and I but, I knew there were more to see. I thought it was just a phone call and answered with my ear pods in and phone in my back pocket. She said “Where are you? It’s so dark!” HAHA! Can’t FaceTime with your phone in your back pocket.


We chatted for a minutes and then she asked me if I was ready to see her favorite picture of all time. I of course squealed “YES!!” What kind of question was that, I knew this guy was eventually going to be our son-in-law and loved watching them grow together. Of course I wanted to see All the pictures. 


To say I screamed and cried when she held up that sonogram is an understatement! I kept saying “Are you serious? Is that real? You better not be fucking kidding me?” Both her and our SIL laughing promised it was real and were so excited! I just kept crying and jumping for joy. I’m positive my neighbors heard me and thought I had lost my mind. I know our dogs had gone a little crazy watching me get so excited. 


At the time my husband was an OTR truck driver for our then company and was out on a load. But, she had already text him to set up a time she could FaceTime him and tell him. So, I had to keep the secret for like two hours….OMG! It was so hard but, I knew she had to be the one to tell him. I talked to him a little bit before she was to FaceTime him and I think he heard the excitement in my voice but, I didn’t spill the beans. Once they had their call, he called me and was literally like a kid in a candy store. He was SO excited and couldn’t wait to meet the new baby of the family! 


I own a Cricut and immediately started making bibs and onesies. All Disney related somehow. Our daughter LOVES Disney and I knew that baby was going to be dressed in Disney. Once she found out it was a boy, I added some Dinosaurs and Trucks to the mix. My husband and I were over the moon excited and couldn’t wait for this little guy to make his appearance. 


Now, that sweet loving boy is four and the light of all of our lives. He is smart, funny and such an amazing big brother! Between his smile and curls his momma has her hands full! We are so proud of her! She is an amazing mom, just the best, an awesome wife and the best big sister! Our girls are lucky to have a big sister like her to look up to. She’s accomplished so much, on her own, even though things weren’t always easy for her! Oh and we like our SIL too! HaHa He’s a pretty good guy and a great dad. He is an Officer for the local PD where they live. We are very proud of him too! My husband says he doesn’t like him but, when he says it he smiles at me. No one will ever be good enough for any of his girls! It’s a dad thing supposedly! 


Now, baby number two came two years later and she is a sassy little thing! Kinda like her momma. HaHa! Thankfully, hubby and I were together when we got that FaceTime. We were sitting in our truck taking a break to warm up while working on our semi we had. We both kinda looked at each other like “SHIT! She always text to make sure we can answer the FaceTime before she called. I immediately answered and set my phone up so we could both see her and the grandson. 


We talked for a few minutes and said HI to the cutest grandson ever then….She smiles so big and asked us “You ready to be grandparents again?” I squealed again and my husband said “No way! For real?” We were both very excited and couldn’t wait to meet her. She had big brother tell us it was a girl when they found out and he had been the best big brother ever since! 


We are lucky parents and grandparents! Besides the title mom, Nini is definitely the second best title I could have ever been given! 

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