The Run Down….

Published on 11 July 2024 at 12:50

This will be a long one but, stick with me. It’s worth the read, it’s all backed by facts, proof and some of the proof comes from two State of Florida agencies themselves!! The state of Florida legal system and child support enforcement system is a joke! We have been fighting it since 2006. During my husband’s divorce his step-daughter was listed as a child of the marriage, she was not. In the final order she was listed as a child receiving child support, all proven by child support themselves.

Why is all of this coming out now. Because the ex wife went on public assistance in 2020. And the state of Florida wants someone to pay them back. See, on February 2, 2014 the eService website for Child Support payments was showing the case as “Initiating Closure”. No payment could be made, even calling Child Support Enforcement to make a payment we were told we couldn’t. February 11, 2014 a letter was sent to my husband saying they were no longer providing services. When this happens, there is a Florida State Statue 61.13 7 (d) 3 that states it is the obliges (ex wife) responsibility to file an affidavit if they are not receiving support payments made directly to them and to have the department intervene to get payments. She did not do that. Instead she sent an email on March 19, 2014 stating “Did u notice I stopped cse with u” to my husband. Now this is important because in the original Child support income deduction order dated September 30, 2005 there is a paragraph that states “The income deduction order and this notice to the payor (my husband) are binding upon you until released in writing by the payee (the ex wife)”. Not only did she send that email, but she is the one that filed the paper work asking for Child Support Enforcement to remove themselves and to no longer provide services. That is stated in an email from a Child Support case worker. At that point my husband could not make payments and was told by child support during phone calls that the case was closed. They never explained that it was the ex wife’s responsibility to get payments made directly to her nor did they inform him that that’s how it was going from that day forward. And with the email from the ex wife, we both figured the case was actually closed. It was not and the ex wife let it sit for 10 yrs not asking for a penny. Acting like she closed the case for good!

While my husband was making child support payments for his Step-daughter, her biological father was also making payments because of a court order from 1993. In this order he was proven to be her biological father and her last name was to be her mothers maiden name. Prior to the October 24, 2011 order removing this child from child support, my husband had paid a total of $15,080.00 in support for her.

The first motion filed in the courts to have child support changed removing this child was filed on April 17, 2008 after getting no response or help from Child Support enforcement themselves. We have records from Child Support Enforcement stating that they knew this child was listed on two different support orders. Child support looked into this situation on September 28, 2006. Stating “The child appears on both cases…Per other case support was established for “Bio fathers name” court order. Check of records shows that (my husband) of this case is listed on the birth record. Fwded cases to RSS to follow up and see if the OVE Record can be changed/corrected”. Child support records also list this child as a DEPENDENT in this case of child support against my husband.

First motion was denied. We filed again on October 30, 2009. Denied. Next motion filed on September 16, 2010, again on February 21, 2011 both denied. The last motion was filed on May 25, 2011 and that motion was finally granted on October 24, 2011 because this child had aged out at 18 on February 17, 2010. This motion being granted clearly shows the Judge saw that my husband was in fact paying support for this child. Where the payments made in that year for this child credited to the account, No. It was a “wash” as child support saw it. Now, the ex wife, child support and her lawyer swear up and down that she wasn’t getting child support for this child. However, we have proof from child support and the ex wife herself in her own words and it’s notarized.

How does this happen you ask. Well, we contacted the Governors office and within a couple of days an investigator with Child Support Enforcement contacted us. He stated that “The system should have caught this. But, if she used the fraudulent birth certificate to obtain the child support order, it could have missed it.”

Now, this is where fraud and possibly embezzlement comes into play. Not only by the ex wife but also Child Support Enforcement. I am even questioning Vital Statistics, they let her obtain an fraudulent birth certificate for this child and it doesn’t actually exist in their system. Yet, we have two certified copies of this birth certificate in our possession! How can a child have a birth certificate that is dated with 1992 being the year it was filed in the state of Florida with her mother’s married name as Bowen when they didn’t actually get married until 1995?! They advised us that the only order they have pertaining to this child, is from 1993. That Court order was for DNA and child support being established. No adoption papers signed by my husband are found in the whole State of Florida. However, this child has been walking around with the last name Bowen since she started school, sometime in 1995/1996. And with that fraudulent birth certificate the ex wife obtained another child support order for this child, by a man that is Not her biological father. Two men paying for one child, seems like fraud and embezzlement to me!
The ex wife and her lawyer in a letter dated October 4, 2011 entered into the court stated that her daughter was using my husband’s “Surname without legal authority”. Further proving the ex wife obtained a fraudulent birth certificate for this child knowing my husband was not biological father and she still received child support for this child from him.

Has a Judge or the Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement held this woman accountable, absolutely not. Do they act like it’s even fraud in their eyes, nope! Do that state statutes and laws state it is in fact fraud, Yes! Even the investigator for Child Support and the vital statistics office both stated it is fraud! Now, why isn’t anyone except us doing anything about it. Because the state of FL get a piece of the child support payments. The Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement gets a piece of the child support payments. Of course neither of them are going to acknowledge this as fraud and that they helped her do it because then that will hold them responsible sitting right next to her! Oh and let’s not forget the letter from Child Support Enforcement themselves from 2023 stating that “You are current in your support payments on this case” therefore they were going to reinstate my husband’s FL DL (Which he didn’t have anyways).

We filed a Motion to vacate and it was denied this month because we didn’t file it 10 days from the day the order was granted. However, the judge wouldn’t even take the time to listen to anything and I don’t believe she actually read anything that was filed. But, they usually don’t anyways! They’ll side with DOR any day of the week to keep that piece of the pie! This isn’t over, obviously.

All the proof I stated we have, Im still trying to figure out how to share it here. You can even go look up most of this as it is public record! I will also attach the declaration that was filed with the court in regards to all the research done trying to figure out how a fraudulent birth certificate was issued for this child.

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